S1:E1 – Maintaining Your Family’s Health at Home and at Work

Show Notes:

James Mayo:

Hi, I’m James. I’m the Chief Hydration Officer and welcome to my rapid-fire podcast of ten questions in ten minutes. Today I’m joined by my better half, but more importantly the lady that formulated SOS—Dr. Blanca. Welcome to the adventure.

Blanca Lizaola-Mayo:

Hi James. Thank you for having me. I’m very excited to be here today.


So, question number one as we kick it off—drum roll please—what’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about being healthy and growing a business?

B L-M:

One of the most important things [I’ve learned] about being healthy is that it’s not easy. [We] really need to be very persistent and aware of what we are putting in our bodies. However, it pays off and once it becomes a natural thing for you to do every day, it makes you feel better. Growing a business [has] been a huge lesson—ups and downs—however, so far, it’s been very gratifying, and I’m very proud of what we’ve created together.


Yeah, SOS is like a third daughter, I suppose. It keeps us going. It’s given us sleepless nights, although not so much diaper changing. Did you always want to be a doctor?

B L-M:

Yes. All my life. I always saw myself being a doctor. Before starting med school, I was an emergency medical technician at the Red Cross, and it was a great experience. That’s what started this path which has been amazing, and I love it.


So, tell us about this path. Where are we now?

B L-M:

[The path] never ends. After finishing med school, I started general surgery, and then I met you, and that’s when our paths had a big turn. We decided to move to the United States, and I requalified for my medical degree. And then I applied for internal medicine. I always knew I wanted to do something with my hands. Coming from a procedural perspective or specialty, I knew that I wanted to do that. So that’s where GI came into my head. And then I had the fortune to do a couple of years of research in hepatology at UCSF with great mentors, and that’s where the liver love started. Now I’m a transplant hepatologist and gastroenterologist and soon to be an obesity medicine physician hopefully.


Wow, that’s a collection. And, SOS cofounder, so there are not enough words to go after your name.

B L-M:

I’ve been slightly busy, yes.


And, more importantly, spouse, better half [and] mom. [What is] one thing about your field of expertise that almost no one agrees with you about?

B L-M:

Colonoscopies. [They are] so important. [Colon cancer is] something we can prevent just by having a colonoscopy. We [also] have other ways that are not as good as colonoscopies to diagnose polyps that later can turn into cancer. Hydration is a big point of that. Fatty food, fried food, [and] processed food have been related to increased risk for colon cancer. So, get your colonoscopies. It’s not as bad as you think.


[Which] one thing about the SOS journey did you not expect?

B L-M:

I never thought it was going to be this big. This is where I need to recognize you because you have grown this company and brand so much and you never stop impressing me.


What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about proper hydration for everyday living?

B L-M:

How it can change your mental focus and how it’s so important and such an easy thing that we always take for granted. Hydration can really make a big impact in your life.


I definitely appreciate that. Even from a buyer’s perspective—just having an SOS first thing in the morning does sort your day out. Question six—what’s been your top “aha” moment from creating the product and the journey so far?

B L-M:

How well it works. It just works. It’s amazing how we started trialing with you running and me checking—I’m sorry, it may sound very gross, but I was checking James’ urine before and after running to check his hydration level and dehydration level. Seeing all those amazing athletes getting benefits from it—it’s just amazing. From a medical perspective as well seeing how people with short bowel syndrome, IBS, IBD get better and it’s just amazing and I love it.


What makes you feel inspired or like your very best self?

B L-M:

Probably my family. Seeing our two little ones thrive and being happy—that’s what makes everything. Work is a big thing for me as well and I love what I do, but seeing our little ones being happy—that makes my day.


If you could have a billboard, what would it have on it?

B L-M:

“Hakuna matata” or “everything’s going to be okay”. I think that’s so important especially with COVID and all this that we hear in the news, and it’s all bad news constantly and everybody’s stressed. At the end of the day, we just need to take a deep breath and remember that everything’s going to be okay.


What is your favorite health hack for the hardworking mom, dad or business owner?

B L-M:

Make good choices. We’re always in a rush and we always try to get the first thing that we have in front of us. Instead of choosing a soda, you can choose water, you can choose SOS, you can choose something that is really going to help you. Sometimes it’s easier just to drive through and go get fast food. Make that extra effort—it’s going to help you later.


Where can listeners find SOS?

B L-M:

You can find it online. You can find it at [our website], walmart.com, in Walmart [and] CVS. So, go and find your SOS. If you have any questions, we’re always here to answer any. Thank you for having me, James.


Thank you, my better half and Dr. Blanca, the main lady behind the adventure. Behind every strong man there is definitely a stronger woman, and two little baby daughters in my case as well. Thank you very much for listening in, I’m James, the Chief Hydration Officer. You can find more episodes of the podcast at chiefhydrationofficer.com and anything you want to know about the world of hydration. Subscribe to the podcast and meet me right back here for the next episode. I look forward to chatting to you all then, but more importantly, cheers!


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